When an idol is present in the heart, God wants to deal directly with that problematic idol first. Though we may not know it, God is targeting the epic center of our sin and shoots his Fatherly arrows right into the bulls eye of our growing idolatry. Idolatry is an act of worship, other than God, within the heart that controls your behavior to commit sin. This is the "other Master" that Jesus spoke of when he said, "No one can serve two..."
Israel's elders had good intentions and I am sure, like many Christians, they had sincere and honest requests to lay before the feet of Almighty God. However, God first wants to answer the issue of their heart idol. This is why God said, "I will answer him myself in keeping with his great idolatry." God planned to recapture their hearts and excise the ever-creeping idols within. It is the same for Christians today.
An idol that is camped-out in the heart distorts a Christian's view of everything. In verse 3, it says that heart idols are "wicked stumbling blocks before their faces." A stumbling block before one's face is like a plank in the eye. Clear vision and understanding is distorted like trying to drive with an icy car window. We go about our daily routine of devotion, prayer, and meditation thinking we have a great relationship with God. Nonetheless, God says, "Hold all your request right there. You are not right with me. You are bathing daily in secret forms of idolatry. You are commiting great crimes against Me. Lets deal with the problem first!"
Until the idol is removed, it will distort everything else. When laying ceramic tile, it is the 1st tile that is most important. If that tile is off and not perfectly positioned and measured-out from each of the four walls, the whole will will not be configured symmetrically. Our hearts must be positioned squarely with no crooked idols dwelling in our minds(hearts). If so, it must be eradicated and ousted from His temple where His Holy Spirit dwells...within you. God is determined to have our lives in spiritual symmetry and if we resist, idol biopsy will come. Like malignant melanoma found in the skin, it must be removed soon or it will disrupt the entire constitution of the man and lead to eventual death.
Therefore, keep watch over the golden calf in your heart. If you do not know what they are, ask God to reveal your hidden faults and idols that lie in the secret chambers of your mind. Repent daily in humility. God will make you into Christ's image and eventually pulverize all stumbling blocks from your vision into mere powder. It is God who will enable you to maximize your life for the glory of Cbrist by this life long process of idol extraction. First by recognition and then by the gift of repentance, and thus having clear vision of the cross of Christ in all your daily happenings.
Really encouraged me just to examine my heart and ask the Lord to reveal any idols that I have been harboring in my heart. In the words of David shall we pray, search me and know my heart O God..see if there be any sort of wickedness within me.
We really do need to ask God to show us our own hearts. We are so surprised at what we find and yet God knows it and has redeemed us.
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