Sunday, June 10, 2007

Inscrutable Ways

The wisdom of God, given to man, is not the gathering and compiling of knowledge. Neither is it the poring over God's providence and contemplating the "whys" of God's mysterious dealing with humanity. A search to nail down God's providential workings is a bottomless search that ends only in a physical, mental, and spiritual hardship. It is "a futile inquiry" as J.I. Packer said. Those who try to tap into the REASONS why God does what He does will be driven to levels of insanity. God tells us in Isaiah 55 that "My ways are not your ways nor my thoughts like your thoughts." It is a dangerous undertaking to hunt for all the reasons behind God's actions in daily lives. We will not be satisfied with our mind's finite solutions and we may end up becoming sign hunters who find God's reasons behind every unusual happening, every face in the cloud, billboard sign, or in every Bible page turned by the wind. We must have peace that all things are working together for good because God is good. And all that He does is for our ultimate best for from His glorious throne proceeds justice, goodness, and righteousness.

Lord, I don't need to know
The mystery how Your Providence flows
When life is unclear, foggy, and grey
Vain I measure Your inscrutable way

One drop of truth from Your infinite ocean

No luck, nor chance, sovereign sway in motion
Deep enough to drown in measureless degrees
You keep me afloat as a Father does please

Sorting Your ways makes me tiredly
Discerning You though not a futile inquiry

Scripture speaks I am to cling to You
Steadfast faith when without a clue

Veiled to all Your inter workings
Hidden from me are many things
Masterfully woven
Beloved and Chosen
My heart unfrozen
Indiscernible path ahead I sing

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