Wednesday, September 15, 2004

De-Robed & De-Throned

Jonah 3:6
"The word reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes."

Jonah preached judgment to Nineveh. He walked through the streets of that great city yelling,

"Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!"

Notice the simplicity of the message. I see no fancy words, no beautiful imagery, no story, and no love being preached. This is a simple and straighforward message of justice to come.
Notice the Intensity. Jonah spoke openly, boldly, and without fear. This massive city of well over 120,000 people, had a single stranger sound a call throughout the city. This plain message echoed throughout the city and it quickly reached the kings ears within one day’s time.
Notice the response. Upon hearing such news the king responded by moving from his honored position and shedding his glorious garb and a citywide repentance was inaugurated. This is the effect of God’s Word.
When the Word of the Lord is preached clearly and accurately and authoritatively, repentance will follow. The minister of the word, like Jonah, is only meant to open the cage to the lion den and let the power loose. When the straightforward Gospel is preached, with no additives or preservatives, the mightiest man in the city will be stripped of his robe of pride. The simple message trumpeted lifts a woman from her glorious standing in the community, his royal heritage, and her lofty throne in the workcenter, and seats them all in a lowly ash heap.

Notice the Savior. We must not look over the sweetest part of this text. I have a king who arose from His lofty throne in heaven. He removed His robe of righteousness and has placed it upon me. He has covered Himself in the sackcloth of my affliction, my suffering, and my torment due for my sins. He came down from His heavenly throne and took a throne of ashes for me. I was clothed with rags and all my righteous deeds resembled my filthy works. I was seated in the dust that the cursed vipers traverse through. He has made me holy because of His holiness. I wear the King’s robe and I am seated in a Kingly position because of Christ and His kindness to me.


Anonymous said...

yeah, well when you see the big naked man in the sky give him my love.

Matt Harmless said...

I love the story of Jonah.

Really appreciate your points.